Sunday, October 15, 2006

Crouching tiger, hidden message.

Crouching tiger, hidden message.

Why plain English makes sense.

Mr C Onfusion, the owner of Oh No Ltd sits waiting to be called forward in the surgery waiting room.

Receptionist: Mr Onfusion, The Business GP will see you now.
Mr O: Thank you.

Mr O makes his way down to the door of his Business GP. ‘Come in’ says a friendly voice in response to his assertive knock.

GP: Good morning Clive, how may I help you?
Mr O: Well I….er……it is a little embarrassing.
GP: Clive (smiling and leaning forward), you are amongst friends, please feel free to express yourself.
Mr O: I know that (looking worried), but nobody seems to understand me.
GP: (Leaning forward) Please carry on.
Mr O: Let me explain. The other day….
GP: (Nods)
Mr O: …….I was sat with my operations team. I asked them to submit a report to me explaining why the ERP system was not demonstrating the ROI we needed. Why the e-CRM component was not showing an increased rate of acquisition and retention, and growing our AWOP, ARP and GP.
GP: And what happened?
Mr O: Well they all looked at me blankly.
GP: I wonder why? (Looking blankly still)
Mr O: What do you mean?
GP: Well I am not sure if the problem is the ECG, BP, BCG, TB or even the HDTV.
Mr O: (Sits back, looks, and pauses for a moment) Pardon?
GP: Well at least I know the problem.
Mr O: You do – what is it?
GP: You have an acute case of ‘jargonitus’ it hits many senior managers in many businesses.
Mr O: Is it serious?
GP: It can be but I can help.

The GP takes out his notepad and starts writing. Taking a few seconds to carefully craft something. Mr O tries to see what is being written but it is too well shielded, so he waits patiently.

After a minute the GP presents him with a piece of paper.


Mr O: (Looking puzzled) Jargonitus???
GP: Yes a disease of the business executive. The ability to stop talking in plain English to those around you.
Mr O: Is there a remedy?
GP: There is, and it is simpler than you may think (GP starts scrawling on his prescription pad and hands it to Mr O)
Mr O: (Reading the pad) A dose of plain English every day for six weeks?
GP: Yes, if you write or say something that an 8 or 9 year old wouldn’t understand – then don’t say it or write it.
Mr O: Thank you so much.
GP: I will test you again in six weeks time.

Mr O leaves, a big smile on his face shows his relief.

The GP phones Jean his receptionist ‘Jean can you show Mr Sugar in for his 12.30 please.’

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Blogger NYC TAXI SHOTS said...


3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else like the way this guy writes? I think this is quite refreshing considering it could be such a dull and bloody boring topic.....

10:21 AM  

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